Thursday, December 31, 2020
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Idiotic DRM
Buy a CD in Germany on, and you can immediately download the DRM free MP3 rip of it. You can even buy it digital only. Buy that same CD in the Netherlands on, and you only get the physical carrier, so you have to rip it yourself.
Of course, the music company will add copy protection. Seriously? How will that stop anyone?
Monday, December 14, 2020
Non-native speakers writing in English
Friday, December 11, 2020
Wattpad no more
How useful is online publishing? More specifically, will online platforms help you to become a (published) writer, help you to improve your writing, or simply help you find readers?
I have my doubts...
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Writer's block
Is there such a thing as 'writer's block'?
I, honestly, have no idea. But sometimes I'm just stuck, and I found a few tricks that work for me. Perhaps they work for you...
Monday, November 16, 2020
Alexandra Quick Audiobooks
Not only did Inverarity finish the fifth book of the Alexandra Quick series, there is now an audio book as well! Sam Gabriel is narrating them, find the podcasts here.
(If you don't know what Alexandra Quick is all about go here.)
Monday, November 9, 2020
Netflix - A Certain Magical Index / A Certain Scientific Railgun
Combine 'slice of life' with superpowers, heroic fights, add a dip of magic, and give it a little girl x girl x boy twist (though very, very minor). Fairly regular stuff, although not too bad. What made it stand out and interesting is the 'sisters' arc, especially in the spin-off, which is a lot darker than the rest.
Monday, November 2, 2020
SP-200-48 oud versus nieuw, Conrad versus Reichelt, Taiwan versus China (Dutch)
(Naar aanleiding van de defecte modules uit de WHR950.)
Ik heb twee SP-200-48's gekocht, eentje van Conrad, en eentje van Reichelt.
Netflix - Bloodshot (2020)
Is Vin Diesel salty because he's just a voice in the biggest Marvel / Superhero series? Perhaps. Let's hope he keeps voicing Groot because this superhero movie Bloodshot certainly isn't worth your while, unless you like a. Vin Diesel, b. a perfect Vin Diesel, c. an unstoppable Vin Diesel, and d. Vin Diesel for president.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Hoogbouw en schaduw (Dutch)
Triest. Dat is het enige passende woord.
De gemeente Capelle aan den IJssel houdt geen enkele rekening met bestaande bewoners van hun 'modelwijk' Fascinatio.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Ventilator in Mean Well SP-200-48 geschakelde voeding (uit WHR950) defect (Dutch)
Sunday, October 25, 2020
WHR950 (oud model) badkamer schakelaar en slim ventileren (Dutch)
In de handleiding van de nieuwere versies van de WHR950 staat een aansluiting voor een badkamer schakelaar beschreven. In de oudere versie zit deze functie ook, zij het iets minder duidelijk aangegeven. Zoek op de print naar de aansluiting DI2L. Dat is 'm!
Hierbij mijn 'mini' projectje om de WTW installatie automatisch in de hoge stand te zetten wanneer nodig. De principes werken natuurlijk ook met andere merken / producten.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
SqueezeBox - Update SqueezeBox Touch - Firmware to 7.8.x
I recently picked up another SqueezeBox touch, to replace my older, misbehaving unit. This stuff is getting old, with the last SB Touch units being manufactured in 2012. When I tried to connect my new second-hand unit to my server, it kept asking me to update the server.
Monday, October 19, 2020
A link to a webpage doesn't work from inside Excel, but works fine from a browser
Symptoms: funny error messages, such as 'Cannot locate the Internet server or proxy server'.
Cause: Excel (office) doesn't simply launch a browser, but does a test first. That test may fail (for example lack of login cookies) and return the wrong error message.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
The reader's first impression, or 'what comes before the plot'
You're an aspiring author. And your work just... sucks. Potential readers run away with polite excuses, and it seems they can't understand your great vision. Fear not! You can get better, or at least better than me 😁
It's not that hard. But before you craft wonderful plots, believable characters, and encompassing worlds, you might want to have a quick peek at the basics, and what kind of first impression your work will leave behind.
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Printer stuck in landscape mode - Windows 10 / Brother J5620DW J5720DW
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
My book... is still alive
I know the series' name will cause some dispute and raised eyebrows, but I still decided to use the 'concept' name I used for my story.
Don't worry. It has nothing to do with the actual killing of people.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Netflix - Ghost in the Shell SAC2045
Painful, skip these.
The live move with Scarlett Johansson was better, the two older anime movies and the original Stand Alone Complex TV series were yet another step (or two) above that. (In other words, those were pretty damn good.)
I cannot comment on the comics as I’ve never read those, but this 'new' series was inconsistent and contained more plot holes than Gouda cheese. Horrid stuff.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Chrome - home button, pin to taskbar, default page on new tab, custom homepage
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Lacking motivation? Watch this.
Never give up. Never fear to fail. And if you fall, fall forward.
Monday, September 21, 2020
Edmund Hughes - Arcane Dropout
A download, noticed too late it contained ‘adult scenes’. Would be a reasonable book, except for the sex scenes, and the epilogue.
I probably won’t read any of the sequels after that epilogue. Such a pity.
Monday, September 14, 2020
Alastair Reynolds - Revenger 3 - Bone Silence (2020)
Third book in the Revenger series. In the same vein as the previous two, yet explaining a lot more, but I thought the first two books to be a little better. This one seems a bit rushed near the end. I have a feeling he will return to this universe with a different cast of characters.
Monday, September 7, 2020
Netflix - Warrior Nun - Season 1 (2020..2022)
Okay, a guilty pleasure. But anything Buffy-like easily piques my interest. Haven’t read the comics but I liked the show. Dead teen gets another lease on life when a relic gets implanted in her back. And yet it is entertaining in a Buffy kind of way.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Veronica Roth - Divergent
Movie Review / Audiobook Review.
There's a movie, and there's a book. I've seen and read both. The movie wasn't too bad, although the main character in the movie seems a bit 'soft' compared with the book.
Both movie and book are okay, but aimed at the angsty teen crowd hungering for some apocalyptical romance.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Practical network (and Wifi) speeds
There are many complex and perfect ways to test your network speeds, but here are a few practical examples, that do not require a degree in Science or Math...
This is a simplified explanation, but it seems to work fine for me 😏
Monday, August 24, 2020
Rachel Aaron - Part-Time Gods / Night Shift Dragons (2020)
Part-Time Gods and Night Shift Dragons are both nice, 'uppety' 'peppy reads'. Some action, some magic, some romance. These are parts 2 and 3 of the DFZ series, which started with Minimum Wage Magic, and take place in the same universe as the Heartstriker series.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
PS4 and PC do not recognize a Dualshock controller (connected via USB)
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Bufferbloat on TPLink Archer C7 v3
This is an interesting (and very technical) subject, so skip it if you don't care 😇. Simply put, your router / Wifi access point is a little dumb, and is so busy with downloads that it can't do concurrent uploads fast enough.
It's fixable (somewhat) by using QoS, as I tried on my Archer C7 v3.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Put your favorites in a box, Mister Geek
No matter how you categorize series, movies, books, you will always find examples that do not fit in. That refuse to respect certain borders. That are... different.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 (1998)
Remember the old Bubblegum Crisis? Well, here's the remake (which itself is also twenty years old), brought into a slightly newer era (we want rock, we want roll).
Monday, June 29, 2020
2012 (2010)
Another typical disaster flick. The first half is actually fun, with airplanes flying between, under, and even through crumbling buildings. However, once it gets past the visual extravaganza nothing can hide the flimsiness of the story. Fast forward to the next CGI / SFX scene... Dumb popcorn stuff, yes, but sometimes that's what the doctor prescribes...
Sunday, June 28, 2020
What is your opinion on fanfiction / fanfiction authors? I don't mind, but I've never written a fan fiction, I once tried (to write) a little Farscape but it just wasn't my thing. (Farscape is, but fanfiction is not.) I prefer to work on original stuff. Does that mean fanfiction is bad?
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Suspense cheat sheet
For (the yet unfinished and currently on hiatus) Have Hat Will Travel story I needed a single 'suspense' chapter because, well, I was going to do bad things to my main character.
To make sure I pushed all the buttons I created this little 'cheat sheet'.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Daniel Arenson - Earthrise - Earth Alone / Earth Lost / ...
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Dialogue (Format and Group Conversation)
Monday, June 15, 2020
The Spirit Within (2001)
Monday, June 8, 2020
Harry Harrison - The Jupiter Plague
Old fashioned hard SF. Not too bad though severely outdated, and sometimes loses the pace.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Words Worth
Words Worth will have the old poet crying in his grave. Anyway, no idea what the title has to do with this short series. Not a clue either what the authors of the (hentai) anime series were trying to accomplish (besides making money).
Monday, May 25, 2020
The site Grammarbook seems to be pretty good. But sites can go down, and there are some exceptions, so...
Joe Haldeman - Forever War
A re-read. I pretty much managed to forget about most of the book, except for the stasis field and the cloning aspect near the end. But it's a good read, military scifi with a twist, and seen by many as the best anti-war novel ever. Dunno about that, but still a good read.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Batman Begins / The Dark Knight
I'm one of those infidels who claims the original Batman movie was way, way better than the Nolan vehicles. And it's all thanks to Jack.
Writing is hard
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Combining PC and Tablet / Tablet as monitor / TV as monitor / Tablet as sketchpad in Teams
Datatalk / Windows 10 / Windows 11 / Multi Monitor.
Use your tablet as an extra screen or input device for your PC, or as a sketchpad for meetings. This post only describes solutions for Windows 10 in combination with an Android tablet, but there are similar options when you're using a Mac and / or an iPad.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sebastian de Castell - Spellslinger / Shadowblack / Charmcaster / Soulbinder / ...
The first book clearly starts out as a YA, but by the end of book 6 we've partially left YA territory. Young (not so magical) boy mage flees his family and wanders the outlands, accompanied by an drawling Argosi, a squirrel cat, and hunted by all.
But boy, are these good! All 6 of 'm.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Corona - T Plus 20 - The second wave
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Shortcuts to Windows 10 (and other) settings
Sometimes it's easier to have a shortcut to some Windows 10 option directly from the desktop. Here's a list of all (well, some 😁) options...
Most still work in Windows 11.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Miles Cameron - Masters and Mages - Cold Iron / Dark Forge / Bright Steel
Starts with lots of sword and little sorcery, slowly moves into more sorcery then sword. Then ends in a rush.
Actually not bad, but the author was getting a little tired near the end, and decided to skip book 4.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Michael Chatfield - The Recruitment
Audiobook Review.
Horrible. Yet another book (series) about some Larry Stu figure, kidnapped by aliens, to become yet another soldier, sergeant, captain, general, hero, savior.
Who writes this stuff, and who reads it?
Fastin... Faston... Stekers en kabel voor LED verlichting (Dutch)
Nou zijn er ook de zogenaamde AMP en FASTON klemmen. De FASTIN-FASTON zijn niet perfect (je kunt met een beetje moeite (en geweld) de steker 180 graden draaien, met alle gevolgen vandien) maar voor mijn toepassing zijn ze goed genoog.