Friday, October 11, 2024

Getting rid of (some) Bambu (X1C) Purge Lines

3D Printing + Removing Purge Lines

Sometimes you may need all the building plate space you can get. Or you have build your own G10 / FR4 plate, and found out you just misaligned the top surface, making it impossible to print the rear purge lines... (Oops 😳)

Here's how to fix that...

Friday, October 4, 2024

Plate Lab - Glass Fiber based Building Plates - Part V - DIY Plate

I made these tools to fabricate some of my own plates. These 'tools' are made using wood, some PETG bits and pieces, and a router. These made it a little easier to assemble a plate (but there's still a lot of room for improvements).

Plate Lab - Glass Fiber based Building Plates - Part IV - Crap & Danger

3240 can be anything. And stuff sold as FR4 can be outright crap.

So, there's the enterprising Chinese entrepreneur who sells very old FR4 on Amazon... It may once have qualified as FR4, but not today. These plates were old, ugly, damaged, full of scratches, and definitely contain formaldehyde, bromide, and probably tons of other halogens.

Moral of the story: made sure you know what and where you buy!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Wallpaper - Who is going to save Humanity? (Part II)


I can't imagine you haven't seen it, but if you did not then go and watch Person of Interest. This is the counterpart to last month's wallpaper.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Disintegrating PLA - 4 years with limited heat load

3D Printing

This is an electronics housing printed in Innofill FR PLA, and this is what happens after a few years. Note that this is with a heat load of just 4W!

(Click on image to enlarge)

It spontaneously disintegrates. It makes you rethink on the use of PLA in certain applications, flame retardant or not...

Fusion - Turn a Mesh into a regular Solid Body

3D Printing + Fusion

I've seen several videos and explanations that make little sense, no longer work, or only work in commercial versions.

But... the following method (mostly and often) works (for now).

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fire Resistant / Flame Retardant / Self-Extinguishing / Non-Flammable Filament

3D Printing + FR Filaments

In the past I've printed some small housings for electronics. Most hobbyists do, and most of the time we're not considering how flammable (printed) filament can be.

I've gathered a few illustrative videos, as well as a list of materials and possible (Dutch) sources. This may lead to a little investigation into the flammability of filament. I might turn it into a YouTube video, yeah! (Pfffff 🙄)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Am I Passive Aggressive? Or just a Slimy Baboon?


The Internet is a weird place. It has allowed people a kind of freedom, a place to express themselves in ways that were never possible before.

On the other hand, its (perceived) anonymity is often used as an excuse to attack every person who has a different opinion.

One of the weapons used is (claiming someone is being) Passive Aggressive. But what does that actually mean? That I'm a baboon?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

3D Smell... 3D Printing & Air Pollution

3D Printing + Air Quality + Carbonmax

The smelly smell of smell...

Go watch this if you're into 3D Printing (and never considered the dangers): 3D printers are worse than I thought by Made With Layers. That's a good video on air pollution, possible dangerous particles, and gasse,s when 3D Printing... (And he has a Fornuftig as well.)

I took the original Carbonmax and created my own (improved?) variant.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Broken links!


(Well, kinda' column...)

Due to a variety of reasons (most of those boiling down to me being stupid) I had (and still have!) to re-create a number of posts. I'm updating bit by bit all the broken links, but that's taking some intensive manual labor, so several links might still be broken for the upcoming weeks / months / years 😕

My apologies.

(I'll keep moving this post around until most of the links have been repaired. Getting closer...)

Wallpaper - Who is going to save Humanity? (Part I)


Can AI save us from aliens, or can aliens save us from AI?

(One day someone is going to make a remake of 'V' that actually becomes a smash hit...)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The cheapest filament ever (round 2)

3D Printing + Cheap Filament

Yesterday I found (what I think is) another reincarnation of SMIC Technologies / Nova Technologies / Thomas Chain Discount Shop / ...

Now, the original SMIC never shipped my order, and I think it's a scam. But I like to be fooled twice...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Plate Lab - Glass Fiber based Building Plates - Part III - Textured Surfaces

3D Printing + Plate Lab

There's surprisingly little understandable explanation of the impact of texture on adhesion and release on print beds... But we can reason it through. (And steal from the real scientists 😇)

Obviously, texture also applies to PEI, Polyurea, and in fact, every other plate!

Monday, August 26, 2024

The cheapest filament ever (or is it a scam?)

3D Printing + Cheap Filament

I'm still waiting for the delivery of my 10 kg PETG... and somehow I doubt I will ever get it.

So, am I being scammed, and will I ever see a refund?

Monday, August 19, 2024

The cheapest filament ever (and where to find product details on orders on AliExpress)

3D Printing + Cheap Filament

Well, there must be cheaper, but this was the cheapest I ever found so far... 10 kilo of PETG, for  5.17 euro per kilogram, including shipping from Spain.

I've ordered it, and it should arrive tomorrow. When checking my order, I found a few interesting details that have me ever so slightly worried... if a. I'll ever going to get it, and b. what the hell is it?

Plate Lab - Glass Fiber based Building Plates - Part II - (Surface) Materials

3D Printing + Plate Lab

For a change this is all about the surface (of building plates, yes, but ain't it great to be superficial for once?)

I've split the previous page in two, as it was starting to confuse myself, and moved all the material stuff in here.

Plate Lab - Glass Fiber based Building Plates - Part I - The Basics

3D Printing + Plate Lab

This is a boring page. Skip it if you don't care about the materials used in your glass fiber / carbon based Building Plate.

Still with me? Okay. Here we go... Remember: everything in this post is about using glass (carbon) fiber based materials as build plates.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Plate Lab - Textured PEI - Bambu and Third Party

3D Printing + Plate Lab

In the beginning 😇 Bambu Lab was shipping the X1C with random plates. These days they all seem to come with the gold colored textured PEI plate (at least here in NL). A sensible thing, as it's one of the easiest to use 😏

Textured PEI doesn't just make sense for Bambu Lab owners... they make sense for every 3D printer with a heated bed.

Plate Lab - Cleaning Building Plates

3D Printing + Cleaning Building Plates

How to clean a 3D Printer building plate? It ain't much more than simply cleaning the dishes...


Netflix - Rebel Moon 1 & 2

Movie Review

Rebel Moon is... a mess. Take Star Wars, add a bit of B-movie stuff like Krull, try to incorporate elements of the different 47 Ronin movies and it's descendants (The Magnificent Seven, Seven Samurai, and even Battle Beyond the Stars).

Next, spend a lot of money on effects, tits, and gross-dom, and call it the 'Director's Cut'...

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fat Miata / Thic Mx-5 - Why Cupholders Make All the Difference

Column + Car + MX-5 + Wallpaper

People complain my Mazda MX-5 NC2 is fat.

Let me be clear. I'm fat. My car isn't.


Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Plate Lab - PEY and relatives - All the holographic stuff

3D Printing + Plate Lab

To be honest, I don't own a single one of those PEO / PEY 'holographic' plates, except the 'PET Carbon' one. Which a. isn't made of carbon, and b. has some very minor texture to it (though I can't feel it). And c. This page is pretty useless 🤣


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Disney+ - Shogun 2024 - Season 1

Series Review + Shogun

I doubt we'll ever get a second season, and it isn't necessary. And though I've read the book, the ending was still... somewhat unexpected.

The story is complete, the show is done after 10 episodes, and my verdict is short and simple: it's a great watch, all ten episodes long. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Plate Lab - Bigtreetech Panda Dual Textured SSS building plate (black)

3D Printing + Plate Lab

Bigtreetech sells a number of products aimed at the Bambu Lab printers, all using the Panda moniker. Marketing-wise it's a great idea. Product-wise the SSS plate is a bit of a disaster.

It looks like PEI (but only at first glance). It isn't though. It might be epoxy, some other unholy coating, or it might be a kind of truck bedliner / oily paint.

Nobody knows, including Bigtreetech.

Wallpaper - Dear Author... (Too Close for Comfort)


Found this on Penny Arcade, which is either a complete miss, or a spot-on hit. This one goes into the latter category... How does it feel to be an aspiring author?

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Plate Lab - Bambu Lab Plates and X1C Aruco codes

3D Printing + Plate Lab

The Bambu Lab X1C has an interesting option. It looks for a marker on the building plate, and warns you if the plate inserted does not match the one you've used during slicing. Pretty convenient, isn't it?

The P1S and P1P don't use this code, and many cheaper build plates don't have a code. So what to do?

Monday, July 29, 2024

Anne McCaffrey - The ship who sang / Partner-ship / The city who fought / ...

Book Review

I never know what to think of Anne McAffrey. She has an easy going writing style, and I like her characters and ideas, but I feel some of the stories are simply not challenging enough, and with that I mean it is almost like the author isn't challenging herself.

Still, The ship who sang is a scifi classic.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Bambu X1 with racing stripes?

3D Printing + Possible X1C mod

Just some ideas to ponder over...

What if I would replace the right panel of my X1C with a custom build, so I could add carbon and Hepa filters to the box? In other words, enlarge the chamber a little, so I won't have a Carbonmax inside the building space?

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Plate Lab - Building Plates Letter Soup - From Engineering to PEI to PEZ to Lightyear to Garolite to FR4...

3D Printing + Plate Lab

Engineering High Temperature Smooth Textured PEI PEX PEZ PEY Cryogrip SSS Polyurea FR4 GS10 TK99 Honeycomb Cube Wham Bam Lightyear...

My god! It's enough to drive one crazy! So, I've ordered a few different ones, and have been scouring the Internet for more information. And to be perfectly honest: it's a confusing mess.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bambu Lab X1C - ABS Workout - The Sequel

3D Printing + Kupper + ABS

After my aborted first attempt I settled for a single block with slightly different settings... These are the results. Remember: my settings came from trying to print the toughest object in ABS (for my Sunlu mod), not trying to make the prettiest print...