Saturday, July 27, 2024

Plate Lab - Building Plates Letter Soup - Engineering High Temperature Smooth Textured PEI PEX PEZ PEY Cyrogrip SSS Polyurea FR4 GS10 TK99 Honeycomb Cube Wham Bam Lightyear...

3D Printing / Plate Lab

My god! It's enough to drive one crazy! So, I've ordered a few different ones, and have been scouring the Internet for more information. And to be perfectly honest: it's a confusing mess.

Over the coming weeks I'm going to look into all those different plates (well, not all, only those I can afford 😏) and will post my findings on this blog (and use this post as an overview).

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bambu Lab X1C - ABS Workout - The Sequel

3D Printing / ABS / Kupper

After my aborted first attempt I settled for a single block with slightly different settings... These are the results. Remember: my settings came from trying to print the toughest object in ABS (for my Sunlu mod), not trying to make the prettiest print...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Dremel 3D20 - Weird noises (Extruder skipping?)

3D Printing / Dremel 3D20.

My old Dremel 3D20 has started making some weird noises. It only does so when extruding infill, ie. when high speed extrusion and high speed movement is required. I tightened all the screws, and that didn't fix things, so now I suspect it is the extruder.

Not that I'm looking forward to to taking the thing apart...

Nick Jones - Joseph Brideman 1 - And Then She Vanished

Audiobook review.

I never heard of either the author, nor the Joseph Bridgeman series, but apparently the latter is popular enough to have made it into 4 books by know, published in 2021 and 2022 (according to Goodreads).

And Then She Vanished is time travel, but a bit different, with some genetically defined time travel superpower thrown in. Kinda.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Bambu Lab X1C - ABS Workout - First Stage

3D Printing / ABS / Kupper

Let's see if I got ABS down now. Three large blocks, 60% speed, in ABS. Print time: 14 hours. And it's on...

I mean, what could go wrong?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Old (PLA) filament - What to do with it?

3D Printing / Old filament / PLA

My Sunlu S1 mods have been partially successful, and I guess I'll have to consider a DIY solution using Peltiers to move to the next level... Though that one is still in the 'idea phase' 😇

Next challenge / experiment: what to do with old filament, and how to make sure it will last longer?

Friday, July 12, 2024

Filament drying - Temperatures and Time

3D Printing / Filament drying

I've compiled some numbers. Make sure to check your filament specifications - do not rely on my data!

The Excel file is here and may be more up-to-date than the table below.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Peltier filament droger concept - Gebruik de warmte EN de koude om filament te drogen

3D Printing / Filament dryer / Dutch.

Een idee wat ik heb, maar geen idee of het gaat werken...

Gebruik de WARMTE van een Peltier element om het filament te verwarmen, en de KOUDE om de lucht te ontvochtigen.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunlu S1 Mod - Second (more challenging) ABS print on my Bambu X1C

3D Printing / Sunlu S1 Mod.

I'm trying to mod my Sunlu S1 with a design of my own, which also offers me a challenge to better understand Fusion 360, the Bambu X1C, and printing in ABS. And if it all works out I should end up with an enhanced filament dryer, so win-win.

If it works...

Sunlu S1 Mod - First (real) ABS print on my Bambu X1C / Jupiter ABS Filament settings

3D Printing / Sunlu S1 Mod / Printing in ABS.

Time to go to bed, but first share an image of the bottom section, this time printed in ABS. The first attempt warped a bit, but the second try was a lot better.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Sunlu S1 Mod - Preliminary design and test print

3D Printing / Sunlu S1 Mod.

This is a work in progress. This is going to be a modification of the Sunlu S1, based on the 'Turbo Mod MK2'.

I'm currently printing a prototype using PLA, just to make sure I got all dimensions etc. right, and I still have to design some air valves.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

3D Printing Thickness Test - File

3D Printing / Slicer and Printer test.

I created a small model to better understand wall thickness and slicer behavior versus strength and accuracy, but I never shared the files. So, here they are.

Click this to download the test files

- A quick reminder (image) of the sizes

Ikea Fornuftig + 3D Printer

3D Printing / 3D Printer Air Quality.

In the past I used a Dremel 3D20, and when printing PLA the whole room started to smell... which can't be good. These days I am the proud owner of a Bambu Lab X1C, and I plan to print ABS and PETG, and the one little test print I made smells, even though the X1C has a filter inside the enclosure.

Is that dangerous?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Space Elevator

Just visit this page. It's simply fun (and impressive and educational, but who cares)... 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sharing Touch Portal settings between two PCs

Datatalk / Touch Portal.

Though Touch Portal has its own backup mechanism and you can use that to share settings it does take a few clicks and a bit of attention. When you quickly want to share stuff that's not what you want.

I created a few batch files and two buttons to speed things up. Here's my approach.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Netflix - Atlas

Movie Review.

J-Lo and Netlifx at it again. After the by-the-numbers (but still watchable) The Mother here's another Lopez flick, and this time she's venturing into Science Fiction territories.

In a nutshell: young girl watches her mother and half the world killed by an AI developed by that same mother, and returns to the fight 28 years later, having to overcome her fear of AI.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Roadtrip 2024 - Gratis (?) routes door Frankrijk (Dutch)

Travel / Dutch.

Zoals gewoonlijk is dit blog vooral voor eigen gebruik 😁

Ik ben een road trip aan het voorbereiden. Portugal... of toch naar Italie? Ik weet het nog niet, maar als het Portugal wordt, dan is daar Frankrijk met die vervelende tolwegen...

Zijn er ook routes door Frankrijk welke snel genoeg zijn, soms leuker zijn dan de tolweg, en wat minder kosten? En is dat de moeite waard?

Saturday, May 25, 2024

MX-5 SmartTop Roof Controller - stress relief for the lazy ones

Car / MX-5 / SmartTop Roof Controller

Mods4Cars SmartTop controllers have been around for quite some time. Exemplary of that are the type of connector used (who uses a mini USB these days?!?) - and their website isn't the most modern one on the world.

On the other hand... who cares as long as the product works? 😇

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Nanci Schwartz - Robber Barons 1 / 2 / 3

Audiobook review.

3 books by a debuting author. The series contains three books, and they're... cheap. Yeah. Literally, I mean. (Discounted on Amazon.)

Unfortunately, the price is somewhat a reflection of the quality of the proofreading. Someone should have given some feedback to the author, and that clearly didn't happen.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 5. Installing the Atoto and Accessories

Car / MX-5 / Radio.

I opted to take out the Bose head unit from my MX-5 (Miata) and replace it with an Atoto. These are my trials and tribulations getting the Atoto unit to work... (There weren't many, to be fair, except for that rotten security bolt.)

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Broken links!

Due to a variety of reasons (most of those boiling down to me being stupid) I had (and still have!) to re-create a number of posts. I'm updating bit by bit all the broken links, but that's taking some intensive manual labor, so several links might still be broken for the upcoming weeks / months / years 😕

My apologies.

(I'll keep moving this post around until most of the links have been repaired. Getting closer...)

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 3. Wiring Diagrams

Car / MX-5 / Radio.

When possible I try to understand what I'm doing, and why. That doesn't always work out 😏 but at least I try 😁

This is my first radio install in... well... thirty years? So I grabbed all the diagrams I could find, and tried to understand when I needed SWCs and LOCs, and when not.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 2. Remove Old Head Unit

Car / MX-5 / Radio.

There are many instructional (?) videos on the Internet that show you how to remove and install a new head unit in an MX-5 NC (aka Miata MK3.5 etc.). 

Some of those videos are pretty good, many others are terrible and awful 😏 so I decided to write this post as a kind of 'addendum', and answer the questions the videos did not. Obviously this is limited to my own setup!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 1. Parts Required

Car / MX-5 / Radio.

The MX-5 is a great car, but the radio Mazda put in isn't very impressive. So I decided to replace mine.

Here are some notes for those trying to do the same thing... I will add some images that identify some of the things that weren't entirely clear in the videos. Let's start with getting the right parts.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Planning Your Holidays / Vacations... and Avoiding the Crowds in Europe


Overpriced hotels and tourists everywhere. Vacations can be so stressful, especially during the summer months. 

You may simply have no choice with kids and such, but what if you have the option to reschedule your summer holiday?

So... When? That would depend on...

a. Where you want to go

b. What you want to do there

c. All the other idiots having going to the same place at the same time

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Resync Video Subtitles

Datatalk / Subtitles.

I bought the original set of Farscape DVDs, only to find out they have no Dutch subtitles. Bummer.

Online I found several Dutch subtitles as .srt files, but the timing was wrong. Here's how to fix subtitle synchronization issues...

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Kurviger Isn't Just for Motorbikes!

GPX / Travel.

I've tried both the MyRoute-app and Tom Tom Go, and they both had their own idiosyncrasies. Time for Kurviger.

This is an app which is intended to - on-the-fly - creation of 'curvy' roads for motorbikes. I'm (trying to) use it as a navigation tool for leisure scenic routes in a convertible. And it works surprisingly well when trying to do exactly that.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


GPX / Travel.

I made an earlier reference to GPSBabel. It's a tool to 'fool around' with some .GPX files.

There is a full manual in PDF available here. or an online version here (lots of ads, unfortunately).

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

GPX en GPS: Gebruik de juiste kaart! (Dutch)

GPX / Travel / Dutch.

Wanneer je routes deelt met anderen, of routes van anderen gebruikt, is het belangrijk om de route te controleren, en de juiste kaart te gebruiken!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Tom Tom Go App (Android) / Tom Tom Routeplanner (web) Navigation Issues

GPX / Travel.

In my initial turn by turn Android app search I found MRA Navigator to be the best. Tom Tom Go almost made it, but failed in sight of the finish. I was wondering what was happening, and decided to dive a little deeper. And maybe it would pass this time?

(On the fly I found a way to edit Garmin / MRA Routeplanner generated files in the Tom Tom Planner web app. Yes, this is going to get a little nerdy.)