Friday, December 30, 2022

Countdown to 2023... Solid Sound Models / Broken Amplifier / Broken Tape Deck / Marriage

Countdown + Column

The most popular page on this blog is the Rock Solid page. I've updated the information on other related models, as I think I've finally figured out all variants.

As for 2023... I hope to enjoy my Home Theater setup for a long, long time to come. I feel no need to visit the cinema, and am considering even larger screen options... Though I'd probably have to win the lottery first. And get some stuff repaired...


Yes. My Marantz SR7011 amp gave my another round of troubles, this time it's the volume knob, which allows the volume to be turned up... but not down. Ouch. And my ol' pride, the TCK770ES, has given up on me. Not good! It needs a belt replacement, but a little peek on the inside shows a rather complicated mechanism, and I don't think I'll be able to take it apart myself. Darn. That's going to cost money.

No matter what you think of the old Sony ES amps, but boy oh boy, they keep on running. I own two (a 1200ES which isn't in use right now, and a 'daily driver' 2400ES in the kitchen) and they never broke down. I think this is going to be third time the Marantz SR7011 is failing me. Not good. Not good at all.

Size Matters

But that's the thing. Good kit does cost money. If you want to enjoy some massive audio then you can expect to spend some money. What I've been trying to do is limit the spending by using second hand stuff, at least when it comes to speakers. And I never mind the size of those speakers. I mean, I use full towers as primaries (Lamba 10s and Vector 4s). And most people have primary speakers the size of a milkbox... even the old Rock Solids I use as ceiling speakers are larger.

Size matters. And there's no replacement for cubic inches.

And nothing comes for free.

Snake Oil

Still, if you're willing to give up some space in exchange for decent sound you might want to look around for second hand speakers. And there's no need for 'snake-oil-ware' like 'deoxinized gold-plated interconnects', or $100 / meter speaker cable, or 'digital power filters'. It's all bull. You won't be able to hear the difference because there is none.

So, start with a decent midrange amp, add some decent second hand speakers, and ignore the Bose and Sonos commercials. And if your spouse starts complaining, consider a basement man-cave, or a divorce.


Still, it's amazing how great those Rock Solid Monitor speakers work... I guess I'm into old speakers. (Look at these Labtecs.) No wait, I should call it vintage, that sounds better 😁

Upcoming projects: perhaps I'll finally pick up a white Solid Monitor and add that rarely used Voice of God channel to do real Auto 3D... then again, I don't think anything is actually supporting it. Also, I have two (broken) pairs of the Magnat Viva 33 gathering dust, and plan to combine them into one fully working set this summer. (I'm not that much in a hurry.) I wonder if that would sound better...


I have no plans to upgrade anything else in 2023. Maybe try the Vivas, but that's about it. I'm pretty damn happy with my setup (well, as soon as some parts are repaired, that is). And (disregarding my own words) if you're happy with your setup you should stick to it. Don't let others tell you what's better and what is not.

Let your ears decide.


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