Saturday, December 31, 2022


Wrapping up 2022, and Welcome to 2023!

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2022 was the year of health struggles and (again) not finishing my novel. Most of my posts were (audio) book reviews, with a bit of nerdy Windows 11 and Touch Portal posts thrown in.

In the real world (outside this blog) inflation in the Netherlands kicked in, energy prices went sky high, Russia invaded the Ukraine, Pakistan is broke, and global warming is a serious thing. I guess the only thing 2022 had going for it is that Covid appears to be on the way out...

Oh, and I bought a PS5 and started playing Dungeons and Dragons (tabletop) again. So I guess I'm still not done with trying to escape reality...

Plans and Hopes

First my plans...

Publish TWO books. With one book just needing another line edit, and the next book written (though still in need of a big edit) I should be able to do so. If only to compensate for the lack of writing last year...

Then there's health. Get rid of those kilos, and improve my health. It's necessary.

Traveling. I will travel this year again. I don't care where to.

Then my hopes...

Russia / Ukraine. Please, let Putin come to his senses and leave Ukraine alone. We don't need another World War.

Can someone speed up the whole nuclear fusion thing? We need cheap energy, we don't need a further deforesting of the Amazon.

And finally... it would be nice to win the lottery. A couple of millions might just be enough to cover inflation...


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