Thursday, December 22, 2022

Countdown to 2023... PS4 Controllers / charging / registering / USB cable length and extensions / adapters

Countdown + Gaming

I wrote this ages ago... but never posted it. And now the PS5 era has arrived 😁 and still I post something about the PS4... Whatever. Sometimes the PS4 misbehaves with controllers and (longer / weird) USB cables. Here are my personal notes and observations. This also applies to a Logitech G29 Wheel and PCs.

USB cables

USB cables (especially micro USB cables) come in a wide variety of lengths and qualities.

Some may work, some simply do not.

In general, long (USB) cables may cause problems, whilst shorter cables have a bigger chance to work (but I have a few that work fine with a mobile phone but don't work at all with the PS4.)

Charging versus Data versus Registration

Some cables do not carry data, but are only used for charging, for example, cables included with headphones can typically only charge. If that's what you're looking for then 'Charge Only' is your best pick.

Note that the claim 'Charge & Play' may be used for cables with, and without data functionality...

A cable with data functionality is required to use your controller in 'wired' mode.

Note that some cables do allow 'wired' play, but still can't be used to register your controller! (Though most do.)

Registering a controller

You need a USB cable to register the first controller with your PS4.

You can register additional controllers using wireless only (it's often called 'syncing') but I find it easier and more reliable using the cable.

Tip: if you have a cable that works, mark it and store it near your PS4. Though most cables work, you just might have the bad luck to try a few bad ones. (That happened to me, three in a row!) Those that own(ed) a PS3 might be familiar with this as well.

To register the controller:

1. Connect the Controller with the PS4 using a working USB cable

2. It mostly autodetects, but sometimes you have to press the PS button on the controller

Using a wired controller

Some non-Sony controllers can only be used when wired. I don't have one of those.

Note that there are two different types of DualShock 4 controllers, the CUH-ZCT1E (the original one that came with the PS4) and the CUH-ZCT2E (which was introduced with the PS4 Pro and Slim, and shows a second lightbar on top of the controller).

  • The 1E and 2E can both be used in wired mode with a PC
  • The 1E and 2E can both be used in wireless (BlueTooth) mode on a PS4
  • The 1E cannot be used in wired mode on a PS4. The 2E can be used in wired mode on a PS4.

(2E controller)

Note that some claim their 1E controllers work wired, but mine certainly don't.

Anyway, no matter what type of controller, you still need a proper working cable to register your 1E controller with the PS4!

Enable wired mode on a PS4

This may affect audio chat and audio channels so you typically want to leave it off.

To enable wired mode on a PS4:

  • Settings / Devices / Controllers / Communication Method / use USB cable


Thinner and / or longer cables may be unable to charge your controller, or will more slowly charge your controller.

Thinner in this case refers to the internal wiring inside the cable, ie. the size of the copper. The bigger the copper, the faster the charging and / or the longer the cable can be.

When looking at cable specs, wire thickness is typically expressed in AWG. The lower the number, the better the cable, ie. 22AWG22 is better than 29AWG. Unfortunately, most sites do not list wire thickness.

But that's not all, cables may also contain active components, and they will affect the maximal length of the cables, and the maximal current that can be used for charging. Some active cables may not charge at all.


Still with me? With USB-C it's even more of a mess. In other words: no cables are created equally. So charging speed may differ from cable to cable. (Some cables may actually go up in flames...)

PS4 and USB hubs

Support for USB hubs is very limited. Some hubs work, some don't. If possible don't use one.

If you have a USB hub that works, drop me a note. None of mine did.

Passive vs Active USB cables

A passive USB cable does not contain any electronics (well, not entirely true, but whatever) but a passive cable can be used to charge a controller, even if the cable length is way outside the regular USB length.

An active USB cable does contain electronics to compensate for cable length. Theoretically, active cables should work and support data but not charge. Some active cables (the better ones) require an external power supply.

Note 1: some active USB cables behave like hubs and thus may not work (see note on USB hubs above).

Note 2: active cables, especially USB3 cables, are quite expensive. My Logitech wheel worked fine with a PS4 and a USB2 active cable. I'm not sure if the same combo will work with the PS5 (just haven't had the time yet). I found the cable below on Amazon:

(Click to enlarge)

Maximal passive cable length

Longer 'better quality' cabling works, I've successfully used passive cables of 5 meters for data and power. (That's individual cables, or a combo of an extension cord and a regular cable, the total combined length not exceeding the lengths below):

  • USB2 - 5 metres
  • USB3 - 3 metres

Test results

Stuff I had laying around and that worked thus far:

  • 2 meter USB to micro USB - came with Collective Minds DriveHub
  • 3 meter USB extension - USB3.0 cable made by Assmann Electronics, sold as AK-300203-030-S by multiple companies (mine is a Digitus), appears to be 28AWG (link)  
  • 5 meter = 2 meter DriveHub cable + 3 meter Digitus cable
  • 5 meter USB to micro USB - ZED Labz PS4 cable (link), listed as 'charging cable' but actually works for USB wired play as well
  • 3 meter USB to micro USB - DragonWar (came with a shell case for a controller), charge only
  • 8 meter = 5 meter StarTech active USB2 cable USB2AAEXT5M with its own power supply + 3 meter USB-A to micro-USB cable worked for both controller and wheel, but would not charge the controller (but who cares, I needed it for the wheel which has its own power supply) 

I haven't tested the 10 meter StarTech cable, but I see not reason for it not to work. Somewhere in my ol' box of cables I must have a USB-ethernet-USB solution that I should try as well. Someday...

Just for fun I tried combining the 5 meter ZED Labz with the 3 meter USB3 extension cable, and of course that didn't work :-)

Extension cords

DON'T USE ANYTHING but USB-A to USB-A extension cords. Everything else is bad. Don't use converters from USB-A to USB-C, don't use USB-C extension cords or mini- or micro-extension cords. 

Never, never ever use ANY adapters (USB-whatever to USB-whatever) or ANY extension cords when using USB for charging. Unless you like to burn your place down.

Don't. Don't. Don't.

Don't buy crappy cables on Amazon or AliExpress. Just, well, don't.

Using the wrong combo of cables can result in fire. Use good quality cable of proper length. Just don't.

Yeah. Technology is supposed to make life easier. USB-C does... but not always.


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