Monday, June 5, 2023

Elliot Kay - Poor Man's Fight - Poor Man's Fight / Rich Man's War / Dead Man's Debt / ...

Audiobook Review

Good, typical space opera, but without the endless stupidities. Hey, that's something for a change!

Although this is military SF, it escapes some of the typical pitfalls, especially the young hero climbing through the ranks and becoming the general. Finally a (military SF) series that doesn't do that!

Not the General!

Summary: poor planet resists a couple of mega corps (who abuse their schooling system to keep everyone in debt) which causes an interstellar war. Main protagonist is a student who becomes a war hero. Now that sound like your typical military SF, but actually, for a change, he'll never become general. Instead he returns to being a student, fights more baddies, dates a former fleet captain (in rank and age his senior) and will probably fight more baddies in the future.

The fifth book ends a little abrupt, but I suspect there's more to come. And we definitely need to know more about the larger universe. If that requires a different cast, that's fine.


  1. Poor Man's Fight
  2. Rich Man's War
  3. Dead Man's Debt
  4. No Medals for Secrets
  5. Last Man Out


Matching the story well.


Quite readable, if you like military SF, and would like to avoid some tropes. There are enough left, but all in all these novels are fine as is. On top of that, they're well written and the amount of technobabble is limited. So yeah, definitely fit for consumption 😎


Dapper / Telltales! #115

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