Monday, July 22, 2024

Nick Jones - Joseph Brideman 1 - And Then She Vanished

Audiobook Review

I never heard of either the author, nor the Joseph Bridgeman series, but apparently the latter is popular enough to have made it into 4 books by know, published in 2021 and 2022 (according to Goodreads).

And Then She Vanished is time travel, but a bit different, with some genetically defined time travel superpower thrown in. Kinda.

Book 5?

I've visited the author's homepage, where he talks about a screen play he's working on, and how Blackstone Audio decided to discontinue the series.

The author himself disagreed, and told the world in 2023 he's going to continue as soon as the screenplay is done.

In a nutshell

The lead character discovers (by accident) that he has the power to travel through time, and uses his newly discovered power to rescue the live of the sister that disappeared when he was still young.

There's little explanation on the reason why the main char has time travel powers whilst the rest of the world has not, but perhaps that is explained in the sequels?


It's a good read, though I think - subconsciously - I knew all along what was going to happen, except for the actual reason of the sister's disappearance. Still the book's good enough to look for the next one.


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