Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Ann Gimpel - Earth Reclaimed - Earth's Requiem / Earth's Blood / Earth's Hope

Audiobook Review

Sometimes I sample ultra cheap offers on Amazon / Audible. Here's one of those... It's another typical fantasy / romance with some 'porny' chapters inserted ('She took his cock in her mouth' etc.)...

Unfortunately, though the premise is promising (post apocalypse, Celtic gods, latent magic etc.) the books as a series fail to hold my attention, and I don't need the porn scenes to spice it up. (It isn't romance, it's porn. Duh.)

Monday, August 28, 2023

Disney+ - Free Guy

Movie Review

Ryan Reynolds is a busy bee. Here’s a high-octane, big FX take on The Truman Show (which is better) with a bit of The Matrix thrown in (which is better).

‘Guy’ lives inside a video game, and helps the programmer to recover code and discover love.

The verdict? It’s okay if you said goodbye to your brain cells two or three years ago.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Little Lil Versus Verbanet (Fiction)


A little piece of Flash Fiction, triggered by user posts on Discord / Writers+

Lil, Matt, I hope you won't mind :-)

(Written and posted with Lil and Matt's permission. Most of the blue messages are Lil's originals, the black and red my somewhat embellished replies.)

Have Fun!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Netflix - Akira

Anime Review

I think my first encounter with anime was back in '95. Yeah, I'm getting old 😔

(I know some people will hate me for my take on this classic, but it's like Jack Burton always says: "Give me your best shot, pal: I can take it.")

Monday, August 21, 2023

Netflix - Shadow and Bone - Season 2

Series Review

Shadow and Bone... Bone and Shadow... Oh, what does it matter. It's just another Netflix fantasy series, decent first season, bad second season, then rapidly killed off.


Typical Netflix.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Disney+ - Miss Marvel / Moon Knight / She Hulk

Series Review.

Things are never ever good enough. My god, can people complain!

Yeah, I know. I do as well. It’s only human. But the amount of negativity thrown at the Marvel shows for ‘not being true to the comics’, ‘poor CGI’, ‘discriminating’ and what not… my god! Is there even a way to do things right?!? We’re talking about television series, at smaller budgets, based on fantasy comics… and not everything has to be politically correct!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Netflix - The Irregulars

Series Review.

Street gang assists Watson and Holmes, fighting supernatural stuff. The single episode arcs are all tied together in the end. Not that bad, and it might have deserved another season, but it’s fine as is.

(I hate series that are discontinued without a proper wrap-up. Are you listening, Netflix?)

Monday, August 7, 2023

Netflix - The Peripheral

Series Review.

I am a sucker for weird stuff with a bit of action, decent story line, interesting characters, and good production values. The Peripheral thus far ticks all the boxes. I've never read the book it's based upon (by William Gibson) but I guess I will give it a go after this series has been completed.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Send Documents to your Kindle e-reader and Windows Kindle App

Datatalk + Kindle

You can browse your library and retrieve all your purchased documents from your e-readers, but did you know you can send other, non-Amazon documents to your Kindle e-reader? Or send them to a friend, assuming they have an Amazon / Kindle account?

Wattpad 'Vertical Framework' - Pitfalls


Even if you're not interested in Wattpad, then the following links still provide some interesting reading, especially because it addresses  a specific subject: Pitfalls.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries - Network Effect

Audiobook Review

I guess we’ve all read how our autistic Killer Bot handles the world, and in this book he finds a friend whilst rescuing his clients.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Wallpaper - Avatar / Angel


The wallpaper this month is a dual monitor wallpaper combining Avatar and Battle Angel Alita images. It works best on a pair of identical monitors. I've seen a nearly identical wallpaper, but this one is my own creation.

Click on the image to enlarge, or check out the other wallpapers...