Wednesday, November 27, 2019

MiLight - FUT014 versus FUT014W versus FUT014CW

DIY + Domotics

Although many products from China are great, their documentation is often... lacking.

Here's the MiLight (FutLight) FUT014W. It's not listed on the Futlight website, probably because it is an older product. It has been replaced with the (almost identical) FUT014.


Monday, November 25, 2019

RPG Review - 4e versus 4e Essentials

RPG / Review.

I have a reasonable 😅 collection of RPG stuff, much of it never used, and lots of it completely useless. I wonder why I even bought some of that stuff...

For example... D&D 4e Essentials... Why?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Staples Rolsnijder (Dutch)

3D Printing / DIY / Dutch.

Staples verkoopt een betaalbare rolsnijder. Niet de beste ter wereld, maar zoveel hoefde ik er nou ook weer niet mee te doen. (Er waren goedkopere, maar niets op voorraad, en ik had haast...)

Klusje gedaan. Rolsnijder in de kast. Tot het volgende klusje...

Friday, November 22, 2019


DIY + Domotics

In hindsight the behavior of the different FUT LED strip controllers was to be expected... but I just wanted to be sure, so tried the FUT35, FUT036, FUT037, FUT038 and FUT039 in combination with a FUT092 remote control, just to be sure.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading (old) Star Wars - 3

Book Review / Audiobook Review.

Even before The Force Awakens heralded the return of Star Wars I decided to dip in and refresh and improve my knowledge of the 'written' Star Wars universe. Would I have done so knowing most of it would become irrelevant with the changes introduced with The Force Awakens? Perhaps not...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Nerd - Level 2.1

3D Printing.

Define 'nerd'...

If it's a person who enjoys an overly complex technical solution for a problem that doesn't need to be solved... then... Yes! Guilty, your honor!

My own kids, fairly used to their father being a bit... euh... eccentric 😁 shake their heads in disbelief (and perhaps a little disappointment). Which means... Mission accomplished!

Monday, November 18, 2019

3D printing a LED driver enclosure - 3 - Click & Fit

3D Printing / DIY.

I still have some issues printing large objects on my (unheated) printer bed, but the final product is taking shape. We're slowly getting there...

RPG Review - Ptolus - City by the Spire

RPG / Review.

Ptolus is a setting for D&D 3e, developed by Monte Cook of Malhavoc Press. There was a limited edition hardcover printing in 2006. At the time I considered buying it (probably should have) but didn't.

Life got in the way, and this thing was expensive... Even getting it printed today, with one of the online printing services, it still ain't cheap.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

MiLight - Futlight Device Table

DIY + Domotics

I've got a bunch of MiLight / Futlight / MiBoxer LED lamps of different types and versions. Unfortunately the original design of the MiLight lamps and controllers might have been a little lacking in foresight. And documentation is piss-poor.

So I created a little table to see what I have collected over time, the lamps that I have and know about, and what works with what.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Reading (old) Star Wars - 2

Book Review / Audiobook Review.

In 2011 I was working on my 'classics' I guess... 😅

Let's see, Star Wars books... what did I think of them then? And now?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Netflix - Seis Manos (2019)

Anime Review.

Seis Manos is nothing but glorious grindhouse anime. Let's go back to the 70's, and throw every exploitation / revenge movie cliche in the mix. Add unique character designs, some great animation and lots of blood and gore to the mix and enjoy the show.

Yep. I like it! But keep in mind: this is anime but not for (small) kids...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

3D Printer / Wall Thickness, Detail Level and Accuracy

3D Printing / Slicer and Printer Test.

This isn't about the actual accuracy of the printer itself (which depends on build quality, design, components etcetera) but about the minimal detail level that the printer can handle, and when to use what wall thickness.

Again, I'm not an expert, but got lost on my way to redemption... 😅

Saturday, November 9, 2019

D&D DYI Spell Cards (Dutch)

RPG / Dutch.

Ik herinner me deze kaartjes nog van vroeger uit de AD&D tijd (ik word oud 😅)... en ze zijn er nog steeds. Ideaal voor hen die nog niet helemaal digitaal zijn gegaan.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Reading (old) Star Wars - 1

Audiobook Review.

I've been listening to some Star Wars audio books over the years... Some good. Most bad.

The first two I read (listened to) were so bad it was almost funny. Almost...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Wonder Woman

Movie Review

So, if you're not superhero tired, you may have seen something outside the Marvel Universe. Such as Wonder Woman.

In general, I'm not a big fan of the DC Universe. I blame it all on Superman.