Monday, December 31, 2018


Wrapping up 2018, and Welcome to 2019!

The image to the left takes you to the home screen which lists all major topics.

To search this blog you have to use the desktop version of this blog.

This link will show all 2018 posts.

Now and then, here and there


Someone called this Now and then, here and there 'a harsh show', and boy oh boy, is it 'harsh' indeed.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Netflix - The Dragon Prince - Season 1


The Dragon Prince is an anime series in a style similar to Avatar and The Legend of Korra. Not very surprising, as some of the people behind The Dragon Prince were also involved with Avatar and Korra.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What plays Atmos?

Now that I have a Dolby Atmos capable setup, I need a. material to play, and b. a way to play that same material.

I thought I had a decent home cinema setup and was well versed in players and codecs and other stuff, but it turns out not all combinations of hard- and software work...

Monday, December 24, 2018

Bob Shaw - Orbitsville (Het Stalen Paradijs)


Starts as a space opera, turns into an exploration story, to end up with a bleak view of a bleak future. Hmm...

Parts are good, as usual Shawn brings a surprising concept and adds some twists. I like the story, but I do not fully agree with his conclusion.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ikea quality - The Oven's Tail

DIY + Ikea

Ikea is well known for their affordable furniture. You may dislike the style or wonder about the quality, but in general Ikea is considered value for money.

Yet...? Let's tell a tale about an Ikea oven and its tail...

Monday, December 17, 2018

Batman Gotham Knights


It is a bit confusing, but there is a comic series Gotham Knights, a home video release Gotham Knight, and The New Batman Adventures which is also known as Batman Gotham Knights.

Clear as the inside of his cape, I guess. Superheroes and their confusing timelines and naming schemes, sigh...

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Mediasoup, a Windows 10 Homeserver

I run a small (Windows 10) home-server that provides everyone in my household with pictures, movies, shows and music.

To be honest: mostly music (Squeezebox). On my hard-drive I've kept a few (very old or forgotten) series which are no longer available, neither on Netflix nor in retail. My days of endless torrenting are long gone.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Night of the Proms


You may have heard of the Night of The Proms?

In spite of some blemishes I still enjoyed myself. Just John Miles' rendering of Wreckingball was worth it all.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Someone asked me about the old Secomber file I created 10 (20?) years ago. In answer I restored a few pages from the old website. If you're interested in a (very small) part of the Forgotten Realms setting then have a peek.

It's here in the archive and includes a large map by yours truly.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Terry Pratchett / Stephen Briggs - The Discworld Companion


A book of facts about a fictive world. Some parts are lifted from the stories, many are new. And they're all funny.

If you would expect a 'compendium' to be a dry summary of facts, well, you're damn right about the facts part. But even facts are funny on the Discworld. This is good stuff, and a must have for avid Discworld fans.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Microsoft giveth and Microsoft taketh... or: the death of Office 2010


I was the proud owner (user? licenseholder?) of Microsoft Office 2010. And now it is no more...