Saturday, January 20, 2024

Secomber Redux


20+ years ago I created some maps for Secomber, a small town in the Forgotten Realms. I didn't pick the place at random. I selected it because it is known but not well documented thus allowing the DM lots of freedom. It's also close to a lot of interesting places.

I'm planning to revisit the old document and expand on it, so in preparation I googled a bit...

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Chrome 2023 Refresh and Profile Colors

Datatalk + Chrome

I like to differentiate my Chrome profiles by different tab colors, but the 'Chrome 2023 Refresh' enforced pastel colors on us poor users. I had not spotted that yet, but when I made a profile change, I suddenly couldn't select my original color again. Instead, we now have 'themes' that don't do what I want...

But it's fixable... for now...

Monday, January 15, 2024


Series Review

Outdated. Old fashioned. Geeky, nerdy, cult.

And yet, in some ways, this old one season series is lots of fun. Sidney Bloom is a telecoms technician with a talent that allows her to creep into someone else's mind, entering a kind of 'virtual reality'.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Netflix - Arcane

Anime Review

It’s based on a computer game, but it has (fortunately) little to do with the game (besides borrowing characters and background).

Synopsis: two sisters survive in a world with lots of contrast between the rich and the poor. When a heist fails, the oldest sister goes to jail, and the youngest one goes… crazy.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Wallpaper - The Scientific Railgun Clones


I wrote about A Scientific Railgun some time ago, and here's the matching wallpaper. (If you understand the concept, this image of many a clone gets a lot darker!)

Click on the image to enlarge, or check out any of the other featured wallpapers...

Apple TV – Silo

Series Review

I haven’t read the Hugh Howey novels this series is based upon, but this first season was highly enjoyable to watch. People locked in a silo-like vertical arcology need to survive on limited resources. However, there is a secretive group active in the background, controlling (and using) more advanced technology, and things might not be quite as they seem.

Now and again a little predictable - but worth a watch.