Saturday, May 20, 2023

Logitech Music Server / SqueezeBox / LMS - invisible entries on random lists and skipping songs

Datatalk + Music + Squeezebox

Yes. Old technology, but it's still working.

I have some issues lately, so I'm now trying to troubleshoot my ages-old installation. The problems that I've seen:

1. Random play doesn't list the right tracks

2. Sometimes the last bit of a song is skipped

Sunday, May 14, 2023

3D Book Cover Mockup and Print Resolution


I've posted about this before, but wanted to show what can be done with some post processing.

You'll find the online tool here:

Sometimes, however, you want to stand out, or fix possible issues.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Character Names - Fighting Baseball (SNES)


If one doesn't have the license to the official names, then why not simply make up some? That's what EA Sports did in Japan, back in 1994. And aren't they great?

Who doesn't remember the legendary Sleve McDichael, Jeromy Gride, or my all-time favorite, Bobson Dugnutt?

More info on RedditWikipediaSlate and Dragonfriends.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

The (Dis)honest Romance Writer

Writing + Reference

The following is a completely dishonest, biased, male-viewpoint, misogynistic, unfair and unhinged :-) approach to writing romance. So, take it for what it is: a very cynical outlook on (broken) hearts.

And before I start: there is nothing wrong with reading or writing romance! If you like it, go for it! It's not better or worse than other genre, in any way.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Wallpaper - The Future Unexpected


I bet this isn't the future Marty McFly had in mind when he boarded his DeLorean... Let's hope this never comes to pass...

(Click image to enlarge.)

More wallpapers...