Thursday, April 26, 2018


There is nothing wrong with me that a little reincarnation cannot fix...

If you're a dude (M/F) then visit this website:

I am so tempted to buy that book...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Top 5 'never give up' inspriational books, movies, songs

Movies + Books + Fantasy

Monika’s Dapper contribution triggered some soul searching, and I discovered I cannot help myself: I’m motivated to a fault... And not always towards the proper goals as my employers can attest 😌

For those moments I'm not motivated I always have some ‘uppers’ at hand… Obviously, they had to be SF / SciFi / Music related… so here is my top 5 (and a bit)... 

Pamela Dean - The Secret Country / The Hidden Land / Whim of the Dragon


A group of kids strands (more or less) in a parallel world where they turn out to be the characters they liked to play on 'our'. But once in, there's not much of a way out...

Interesting fantasy read. Not yet another six volumes four-thousand pages Tolkien rip-off. These days it would probably be released as a single large paperback, and it would still be worth your while.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Geluid over HDMI (Dutch)


Alle nieuwere TV's gebruiken HDMI. Dat werkt erg gemakkelijk, een enkele kabel, maar soms stelt het je voor verrassingen.

Hier een korte uitleg over kwaliteit, soorten verbindingen, beperkingen, en geluid via HDMI, en een reden om NIET iets nieuws te kopen...