Monday, August 12, 2024

Netflix - Rebel Moon 1 & 2

Movie Review + Netflix

Rebel Moon is... a mess. Take Star Wars, add a bit of B-movie stuff like Krull, try to incorporate elements of the different 47 Ronin movies and it's descendants (The Magnificent Seven, Seven Samurai, and even Battle Beyond the Stars).

Next, spend a lot of money on effects, tits, and gross-dom, and call it the 'Director's Cut'...

The Verdict - Regular Version

What a mess, and certainly not the 'ultimate scifi' as it was presented earlier. It is, simply, a B-movie, in spite of its budget. You should watch it if you have nothing better to do. Some of the graphics are nice, some of the actions scenes are okay, but all in all... nah.

And that's even in spite of being better than it has any right to be.

The Verdict - Director's Cut

Zack Snyder knows how to do graphics and bombastic storytelling. Some of his work is impressive but fatally flawed. People should make sure he never gets involved with a script, and the resulting movies would be tons better!

If you feel a desperate need to watch a good Zack Snyder movie, then try Sucker Punch, Legend of the Guardians, or Watchmen. They're all great. I'm not so sure about Justice League and even less so about Army of the Dead. You decide for yourself.

(Tip: Legend of the Guardians is pretty good, even if it didn't do well at the box office.)

Back to Rebel Moon - The Director's Cut... It's way more out there, weirder, more gross, bloody, bared titsy. And, except perhaps for the enforced nakedness, the additional madness works. Don't get me wrong, it's still a B-movie, but it moves from 'bad' into 'weird' territory with the director's cut.

Yeah, you might watch the Director's Cut, but only to be able to form a decent opinion. You'd still need to leave your brains at home though.


That huge... being? Machine? Robot? (A 'Kali', whatever that is.) The being that powers the hyperjump-engines, is creepy and great... and it runs on burning human remains? That somehow doesn't make sense.

The scene is great, but it belongs in the Sucker Punch universe and is exemplary of the whole movie. Disturbing, imposing, bombastic, but empty. Of course, people were going all out on 'the woman being hogtied', but it's a scifi (well, fantasy?) movie, people! It's not an attack on womenhood! Perhaps it's a male creature, who knows?

Seven Samurai

I'm not sold on all those 'good' heroes. The whole seven samurai imitators are all good. I want my heroes to be flawed, to be responsible for their own fall, with the movie being a final chance for redemption. In Rebel Moon they're all good, except perhaps for the scar giver herself. Ah, another missed chance for another trope - flawed heroes are the best!

Notice that the 'native american giant bird rider' has been left out on some of the posters. I'm still not sure what he brings to the movie, except the excuse to have someone ride a giant bird. Duh.

I like the robot though. It has the right kind of creepiness.

The Hunt for the Princess

Don't be surprised to find a third installment. Zack Snyder left himself space to do so, by suggesting that the princess might still be alive... I see a women and a robot do some moon hopping in the future...


Some suggest this would have worked better as anime... Mmmm. Perhaps.



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