Monday, November 27, 2023

Janice Hardy – Understanding Show, Don’t Tell

Writing + Book Review

Janice Hardy is a Fantasy author, and runs the Fiction University website / blog. Her blog is a source of interesting titbits, related to writing fiction. She turned a number of those blog posts into books, of which I purchased three.

The three books by her hand that I'll discuss are focused on beginners to mid-level writers. They might make some good presents for under the tree, in case you have a young niece / nephew who wants to be an author some day…

... Or perhaps these make a nice present for yourself :-)

Her blog

Janice Hardy’s website / blog is a treasure trove!

Janice Hardy – Understanding Show, Don’t Tell

It’s 116 pages with great advice on one of the biggest problems for any (beginning) writer: “Show. Don’t Tell.” In this book, Janice Hardy addresses (amongst other things):

  • what the problem is
  • why it happens
  • how to fix it
  • why things feel like show, don’t tell
  • when it is okay to use telling instead of showing
  • what infodumps are

The language is pleasant and easy to understand, and the examples are clear.  If you even have the faintest problem with show, don’t tell (and we all do) you should get a copy of this one. As an e-book it’s very affordable, and even as a paper print you can do a lot worse.

In hindsight, I pretty much knew most of the things she talks about, but I’ve always found it easier to read text-books in paper, as opposed to on-screen. I have no troubles with novels on an e-reader, but I like to browse through a text-book, and that’s hard on an e-reader…


Verdict? A must-have. Even for experienced writers, as it is a nice ‘reminder and fixer’.


Dapper / TellTales #118

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