Sunday, December 31, 2017



Wrapping up 2017, and Welcome to 2018!

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Friday, December 29, 2017


Series Review

Fringe seemed at first to be another X-files clone. and though there's quite a bit 'episodic' stuff, there's also the kind of... perception shift. We'll move from Mulder / Scully reality-checks, into nutty professor territory.

Great stuff! A definite must watch!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

BeeClear en de slimme meter op sluipjacht (Dutch)

Review + Dutch

De meeste huishoudens hebben tegenwoordig een 'slimme' meter. Die 'slimheid' zit hem voornamelijk in het voordeel voor de energie bedrijven die veel gemakkelijker je meter kunnen uitlezen, maar gelukkig kun je er zelf ook wat mee.

Bijvoorbeeld sluipverbruik aanpakken i.c.m. de BeeClear.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Netflix - Bright - A bright spot on NetFlix?

Movie Review

What to make of this...

Will Smith returns to the silver... no, scratch that. Will Smith returns to the small screen, in a fantasy / buddy cop cross over movie. And lots of people hate it. But in these modern times where the internet allows every idiot to spout his vitriol nothing appears to be appreciated anymore.

 So... I, for one, actually like Bright. So there.

Evan Curry - Odyssee One

Audiobook Review

Many 'space operas' have a similar theme: Earth develops instant space travel, encounters other humans in space, and uses some kind of instant traveling to battle evil space lords.

I'd suggest to skip these, unless you really like Ryk Brown, Christopher Nuttall, and the like.