Thursday, March 16, 2017

Aspiring Artist


Over the years I've been painting a few murals on the walls of the bedrooms of the kids.

Me and my youngest daughter (who is already more of an artist than I will ever be) set out to create something new...


December 2014: first the oldest daughter's room. She's using a high bed, and we wanted a mural that would fit the bed (which would be standing right in front of the painting). Inspired by her Asian roots and throwing in a little goth / grown up / wannabe emo flavor 😖 we ended up with a dragon in front of a full moon.

I also modified the bed a bit, removed a headboard and added some bars, so there are now two ways to enter the bed, using the regular stairs, or climbing up using the additional bars (left side of the picture).

It's hard to show, but when you are standing in the hallway, looking into her room, you see the reflection of the dragon in a large mirror on her cupboard.


Then the artist's 😁 own room... Her room was still sporting a kind of 'Disney princesses' look, involving pink wallpaper with hearts and Disney curtains. At first we considered Ameterasu from Okami (the game) but we settled for something simpler: some bamboo and a Tori gate. And then in December 2015 we simply started... And didn't finish. At all.


Unfortunately, private matters put things on hold for twelve months. But that did not stop us, so when we finally continued end 2016 this is what we came up with (click to enlarge):

I needed Google Photos to stitch together a number of images, but I think the picture just doesn't do justice to the mural, it looks much better in real life.


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