
Monday, February 15, 2021

Galactik Football (2006)

Anime Review.

I'm not into soccer much, but the anime series Galactic Football wasn't too bad. Though it wasn't too good either, to be honest 😅 Most interesting was perhaps the drawing style, CGI 'cell shaded' characters on more detailed backgrounds.


Interplanetary kids play football, have some fal-outs, get super powers and save planets. Well, perhaps a little better than that, but that's the gist of it.


I don't know if it was the same company that made Skyland (both series were French / Canadian, if I recall correctly, so it just might) but the style was similar.  Update. Yep, I guessed right, it was the same company / team.

Better than it had any right to be (though the first season is better than the later ones, IMHO).

Dapper / TellTales! 44

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