
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunlu S1 Mod - Second (more challenging) ABS print on my Bambu X1C

3D Printing + Sunlu S1 Mod

I'm trying to mod my Sunlu S1 with a design of my own, which also offers me a challenge to better understand Fusion 360, the Bambu X1C, and printing in ABS. And if it all works out I should end up with an enhanced filament dryer, so win-win.

If it works...


These are the results of my second serious ABS print. The model is roughly 25 x 9 cm, and had to be positioned diagonally on the bed to be able to print it.

I've increased the brim, and added some 'brimmy' objects surrounding the model to increase the brim surface. I could have modelled it in, but wanted to try this approach for one.

It would have been nice if I could have 'painted' a brim in Bambu Studio, but that isn't possible, unfortunately. Simply setting a very large brim wouldn't work either, as it would conflict with the auto-flowwhatever stuff the Bambu X1C does. Perhaps I should switch that off next time...



Perfect. Still have to get the top surface right, but otherwise I'm more than happy with the results. In the PLA testprint (gray) I used +/- 0.5 mm to line up top plus bottom. In the modified ABS print I added six 'fixation points' (the six little squares) and tightened up the front and back lip, setting those at +/- 0.2 mm.

(Click on any image to enlarge.)

Next: creating a drilling template, drill the holes, wire up stuff, do an early test-run.

And there's still the valves to be done. But I'm getting there.

To be continued...


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