
Saturday, April 8, 2023

Weaving threads and adding filler ('Beefing Up')


If you need to 'beef up' the story, for whatever reason, you might be able to use this recipe:

Beefing Up

1. Find the right spots to insert stuff without messing up the time frame. When do your characters have sufficient downtime to take other activities.

2. Limit the subplot to a few chapters (if it's part of one book) or to a book (if it's part of a series).

3. Make sure the subplot wraps up at the end of your chapter / book. A cliffhanger for the main story is fine, but the sub arc should be closed and wrapped, as much as possible, so the reader will have some satisfaction, unless the new sub arc is the glue that ties your series together.

4. Keep the subplot as standalone as possible, so it won't interfere with the existing chapters.

5. Throw little snippets, references and thoughts throughout the existing chapters, so it won't feel like an artificial addition. Sub arcs should never feel like a 'filler' episode in a TV show!


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