
Friday, November 1, 2024

Using Ikea Ivar to store 3D Printer build plates

3D Printing

Plates, plates, plates...

I gathered a rather large number of plates when doing all sorts of 3D Printing experiments, and had to put them somewhere... Now I do have a lot of Ikea in my home, including the versatile Ivar rack.

3D Printing to the rescue!

So here's my little plate collection, using special brackets / guides, printed in PETG, sitting in an Ikea Ivar rack in my storage closet.

Due to the size of the printbed I've split the pieces up, so I start with one set on the right, which are two pieces on top (plate 1, TRF and TRR, Top Right Front and Top Right Rear) and two pieces on the bottom (plate 2, BRF and BRR).

(Click on image to enlarge)

Then I keep adding elements left to those, for both the top and the bottom. For a 40 cm Ikea shelf it would look like this:

Top front row - ... + TLF + TLF + TLF + TRF

Top rear row - ... + TLR + TLR + TLR + TLR + TRR

Bottom rear row - ... + BLR + BLR + BLR + BRR

Bottom front row - ... + BFL + BFL + BLF + BFR

Or, for those more graphically inclined: 

(Click image to enlarge)

Nothing is going to stop you from swapping top and bottom, and start on the left side 😁

Here's the underside of the top shelf, using 3 TLx sets, and 1 TRx set:

If you zoom in, you can see I had to cut out some notches, to accomodate the Ivar legs. I've updated the designs to include both versions with and without notch.

(Click image to enlarge)


Obviously, nothing is going to stop you using these anywhere else 😇 It doesn't have to be Ikea, you know...


What is this madness?

If  some search engine dumped you here, you might be wondering why this blog is so incredibly disorganized. Well, there's a reason to this madness: this is a personal blog, and I dump everything in here that interests me... which might not be the reason you landed on this page.

There is, however, some kind of organization to the mess. I've been using tags / labels wherever I can (though I still have to update some of the older pages) and when you use the index page you can filter and / or search.

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