
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fusion - Turn a Mesh into a regular Solid Body

3D Printing + Fusion

I've seen several videos and explanations that make little sense, no longer work, or only work in commercial versions.

But... the following method (mostly and often) works (for now).


1. Sometimes Fusion doesn't like the .STL file, if so convert STL to STEP.


Unfortunately this doesn't work for certain file formats and very complex models.

2. Fusion / Solid / Insert / Insert Mesh / Select from my Computer

3. Pick the right file

4. In the Insert Mesh window:

- set unit type

- center

- move to ground

The imported mesh is now located at the center.

5. Mesh / Modify / Convert Mesh

- Body - Select the right mesh (listed under bodies)

- Operation - Parametric

- Method - Faceted

6. Ok

The mesh has now become a solid body (unless it was damaged).

What next?

You can now directly use solid modeling tools on it (though they might not always give the preferred results).

You can also modify the created solid indirectly using sketches. This is a little tricky as you need to find the right surface, OR use the origin. But... you could simply create a sketch on the origin, using the outlines of the object, and work from there. That's a great way to make some modifications quickly, as long as the mesh doesn't get in the way.

Straightforward holes typically work, but chamfers will get confused by all the mesh triangles.

Next challenge: How to simplify a mesh in Fusion?


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