
Monday, May 27, 2024

Netflix - Atlas

Movie Review

J-Lo and Netlifx at it again. After the by-the-numbers (but still watchable) The Mother here's another Lopez flick, and this time she's venturing into Science Fiction territories.

In a nutshell: young girl watches her mother and half the world killed by an AI developed by that same mother, and returns to the fight 28 years later, having to overcome her fear of AI.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Roadtrip 2024 - Gratis (?) routes door Frankrijk (Dutch)

Travel + Dutch

Zoals gewoonlijk is dit blog vooral voor eigen gebruik 😁

Ik ben een road trip aan het voorbereiden. Portugal... of toch naar Italie? Ik weet het nog niet, maar als het Portugal wordt, dan is daar Frankrijk met die vervelende tolwegen...

Zijn er ook routes door Frankrijk welke snel genoeg zijn, soms leuker zijn dan de tolweg, en wat minder kosten? En is dat de moeite waard?

Saturday, May 25, 2024

MX-5 SmartTop Roof Controller - stress relief for the lazy ones

Car + MX-5 + SmartTop Roof Controller

Mods4Cars SmartTop controllers have been around for quite some time. Exemplary of that are the type of connector used (who uses a mini USB these days?!?) - and their website isn't the most modern one on the world.

On the other hand... who cares as long as the product works? 😇

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Nanci Schwartz - Robber Barons 1 / 2 / 3

Audiobook Review

3 books by a debuting author. The series contains three books, and they're... cheap. Yeah. Literally, I mean. (Discounted on Amazon.)

Unfortunately, the price is somewhat a reflection of the quality of the proofreading. Someone should have given some feedback to the author, and that clearly didn't happen.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 5. Installing the Atoto and Accessories

Car + MX-5 + Radio

I opted to take out the Bose head unit from my MX-5 (Miata) and replace it with an Atoto. These are my trials and tribulations getting the Atoto unit to work... (There weren't many, to be fair, except for that rotten security bolt.)

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 3. Wiring Diagrams

Car + MX-5 + Radio

When possible I try to understand what I'm doing, and why. That doesn't always work out 😏 but at least I try 😁

This is my first radio install in... well... thirty years? So I grabbed all the diagrams I could find, and tried to understand when I needed SWCs and LOCs, and when not.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Replace Head Unit in an MX-5 NC2 (2011) - 2. Remove Old Head Unit

Car + MX-5 + Radio

There are many instructional (?) videos on the Internet that show you how to remove and install a new head unit in an MX-5 NC (aka Miata MK3.5 etc.). 

Some of those videos are pretty good, many others are terrible and awful 😏 so I decided to write this post as a kind of 'addendum', and answer the questions the videos did not. Obviously this is limited to my own setup!